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The project 2011

The technical and economic feasibility study of Patrak’ala ‘s rural center, led by the AYEM society in 2011 was realized by the previous AYEM team, also composed of ten ISTOM students. The project is now completed, the study report was delivered on September 21, 2011 to the French NGO and the results prove to be positive.


This project is located on the high plateau at the center of Madagascar, more precisely close to thecapital Antananarivo in the Analamanga region. This region, the most populated of the island, suffers from deforestation.


Our partner, a Madagascan organisation, has led a reforestation program in the region with a ravintsaraplantation. Ravintsara leafs allow essential oil production. In 2009, seventeen thousand young plants were planted, one part (seven thousand) on the experimental area belonging to the organisation and the other part (ten thousand) on the land of producers who wanted to be part of the project. This project involves one hundred and thirty households living around the coming rural center.

A partnership with Planète Urgence



Planète Urgence is an organisation under the 1901 law, recognised of public benefit (JORF n°0128 of June 5, 2009 page 9233 - text n°11), apolitical and non-denominational.

It was set up in July 2000 under the name of Congé Solidaire before changing its name in 2004. Its goal is to set up new means to act and:

  • fight against the destruction of the planet

  • fight against disparity between the North and the South

In its development, Planète Urgence is supported by active members of the association Congé Solidaire of

which it took back and extended functioning principles and actions, mobilising citizens and companies on concrete and urgent field projects, in the South.


The “environmental and development” program, created by Planète Urgence in 2006 is part of the campaign “un milliard d’arbres” launch by Wangari Maathaï - Peace Nobel Prize in 2004 and founder of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya - and is supported by the program of the United Nations for the Environment (PNUE).


The four countries involved in the program are Indonesia, Mali, Madagascar and Haiti.

The Ravintsara essential oil is produced from the distillation of the tree leaf (Cinnamomum camphora sb 1,8-cinéole). Its properties against the flu, against pain, sedative and stimulating immune defence make this oil a combination especially in demand in phytotherapy.


Before 2012, the organisation wants to set up, inside the rural center, a distillery to produce and trade ravintsara essential oil. Incomes coming from the sale of ravintsara essential oil will allow:

  • to finance trainings given to farmers of the region and ensure free education in the long run.

  • to secure incomes for ravintsara’s producers who took part in the reforestation program led by the organisation.

However, before the start of the construction, our local partner needs a comprehensive study on the

technical and economic feasibility of the rural center and the operation of the distillery but does not

have available human resources and funds required to complete it.


This request results from a specific context and demand:


  • The need to develop agricultural techniques to overcome demographic increase whose pressure on real estate accentuates deforestation in the region.

  • Economical enthusiasm over recent years to export essential oil (particularly for ravintsara).

  • The willingness of a Madagascar organisation to create a rural center to provide general trainings on vegetable farming and Ravintsara production.

Actions are always led in connection with local organisations. Objectives of this program aim at supporting the development of local communities and their adjustment to global warming thanks to actions allowing the protection, restoration, social and economic promotion of their environment with reforestation and energy efficient projects.




More information about the project 2014

        the project 2013

        the project 2012

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